Norman Allan
416 928 9272
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High Blood Pressure
 Several people have asked me for suggestions about how to lower blood pressure without drugs. Here are some thoughts...
 Meditation, in principle, is an excellant way of lowering blood pressure, but for many it is difficult and if that frustration causes you stress, follow your intuition about whether to continue or not with the practice.

Hawthorne (Cratageus) is the great heart herb. I get mine in china town (in Toronto I go to the "Herb Depot", 366 Spadina). I take it with motherwort (another great heart tonic) and willow bark powder. (Aspirin the pharmaceutical miracle drug, but is toxic to the gut, for one. So I use willow bark or meadowsweet.)

Hawthorn on its own tastes good. Haws are a great source of vitamin C ("hips and haws").

 And of course Linseed Oil/Flaxseed Oil is a substitute for fish oils which can reverse arteriosclerosis (many say). 
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