Hatred's Fount


I've been avoiding
  that "other time and space"
  despite a show of questing: Those mountains   that we climbed,   and quiet rests   in groves with sparkling sunlight,   playing on this,     on that. Every Sunday I've returned   to those hills and woods,   but now I walk   with a cold purpose,   a purpose that denies
  the sunlight play... Now even in those woods   I have a desk light   narrowed on small objects   that I've circled to exhaustion..   boring,   but secure. II Last night,   returning to the open place,   falling free again   from the narrow journey of purpose -   and opening wide   eyes and heart
  in homage to last winter's trial   last winter's triumphal defeat... Last winter I loved another:   another world and master. Last winter I was far from you,   and so much closer. Last winter I was given in sacrifice   to this great pyre -   my life;   a burning wheel;   a narrow fire. I am ashamed of last winter,   when I was minion of a petty daemon,   creature of the narrow way,   half light,   spawned in the service of compulsion. I am in shame   and hold the leaf before my eyes - Oh Father! I am naked. Last winter   I wanted needed   my cold sister   riding flame and billows -   dark curling smoke in caverns -
  tortured tunnels -   warm damp recess III Sister!   black sister!   ride forth:   I am your chariot,   I kiss the spur,   and kiss the Gorgon's lair,
  the wiry hair   its love hate and fear -   the mouth of life   approached in death -   the pull of undercurrents.
  on and on   and stop. IV Through the shame of last winter... its compulsion - the citadel of the white queen the black hair - our "burning wall", our "falling tower, and Agamemnon dead." Again again assaulting the untakeable wall, the endless fall, scaling ladders,
   climbing past the peak-capped gargoyle: only to be prised from my crab clinging, tumbling from the wall I prowled all winter around, about her pale skin, her dark mouth. Falling, falling from the citadel. Prick pushed, belly ripped - hers and mine. Heart walled and open, Eyes now blind. V Last winter a burning mire (and life and death) - sin - the devil driving - whip lash shit splash - head screwed, constricted, pushing through the solid wall. Riding to death, for the freedom of the ride the rip The sword. riding, trampling, onwards, onwards, forever, death orgy, forever, plunging. My great shame of darkness and of death: The pact I signed paying murder for the ride. VI What small parcel are we concealing? just my childhood's dangling derringer?... or perhaps a yawning, a hole... another thought altogether... worms. VII Behind me an angel and lost child - hid - cried. I cursed you too and rode you to the same mire: My great shame. VIII Last night, returning to last winter, I saw your face, and stumbling to the other place, your face, peeking out (the hopeful child), flickering smile reaching to me. decaying flesh and angel's. I saw my soul My hate Your angel's face.
