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Norman Allan

The Incompetent Evil Genius

Chris Pasha's IEG files
Of the Incompetent Evil Genius' birth nothing is known, but he was raised, along with a brood of ducklings, on the planet Zelda, by a kindly mother duck.

Filled with yearnings for self-aggrandisement, he soon tired of his simple home world.

     "I must
     I can
     the world"

He built a space ship, and set off to explore the universe. His first stop brought him to planet Y, a refuse dump for the more prosperous worlds that thrived around. Here he staked his claim. Working with demonic energy

and ingenuity,

he built an army of robots,

who, working with demonic energy, built for Him a colossal civilisation,

an empire of towering buildings, monuments, and robots.

The Incompetent Evil Genius programmed his robots
"They have no sense"

"They have no sense"

The Incompetent Evil Genius programmed his robots

to worship him,

but this left him feeling less than sacred.

He drove through his streets in grand parade to the cheers of the feelingless metal throng he had assembled, but this left him with a less than celebrated feeling.

He even contrived a device to offer him the crown so that he could refuse it,

but again this left him feeling less than graciously majestic.

"Go away. You're just a figure of my imagination. There is only me."

The Incompetent Evil Genius realised that he needed a change. He would travel to the nearest inhabited planet...

The IEG was the creation of Paul Horridge in the late 1960s, as are the illustrations here.
I asked Paul if I could use his creature as the anti-villian in my novel
- he concurred -
and I asked if he would do an illustration especially for Pipedreams
... which he did ...
you'll find it in book three: Roaratuni
(and below, here)

Chapter Twenty Five
and below/scrool down


"Go away. You're just a figure of my imagination. There is only me."


"If this is the tree of life, I'm lost."

full sized illustration